
Writings about web development especially PHP and JavaScript.

  • How to find a WordPress category ID

    Many WordPress themes, especially those in magazine style, need to have some configurations in terms of category IDs in order to show things properly. They will often ask you for a Category ID in the theme option panel. And you might be wandering how on earth to find those IDs.

  • Master: Premium GPL WordPress Theme

    As announced in the introductory post of Master WordPress theme, I am releasing my first ever free WordPress theme. I am very happy to have achieved this and I am very hopeful that 2009 will be a great year of success for my WordPress freelance experience. Below I have taken an two paragraphs from my…

  • Blog Design:

    Andrew Kelly contacted me for a kind of business blog project that he was working on. After I showed his some of my previews works and we agreed on the price, I begin designing a WordPress theme for him. He had previously chosen to use as a theme the semilogic theme framework. Well, his decision…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Use Tables for Web Layouts

    During my whole lifetime as a web designer or better as a front-end developer, I have coded only one site using tables for layout, the first one. It was the time when I had just began to do web stuff and I did not know very much about CSS and its potential, if not nothing…

  • WordPress Bug: Tags do not appear under WP_Query

    WordPress has been perfect and bug-free for me. However, I discovered one lately. Firstly I came across this bug when I was developing an Gawker-style WordPress theme for a client of mine. I used custom WP_Query loops several times there and I was asked to display tags inside them too, the way Gawker does. This…

  • Upgrading WordPress in Ten Easy Steps

    It came to my mind to write an easy and short how-to to explain for not very techy people the way to upgrade their self-hosted WordPress, when one of my clients asked me why her admin interface was showing that she should upgrade WordPress to the latest version.

  • Minimalist WordPress Theme Development

    When I began to explore the WordPress theme code at my beginnings with WordPress, I came across a problem that I could solve only after a while. At that time I had no idea of minimalist web design, yet I wanted to stick to a minimalist web development habit, i.e. code less and have less…

  • I’m Sad to See WordPress Themes Using Tables

    When I decided to begin a new project of mine, Open Book Critic, for time reasons, I just browsed the WordPress Themes Directory, typed ‘book’ in the search and some four or five themes appeared in the results. I chose one, NoteBook 1.0 theme. Well, my intention was that this would be a temporary theme,…