
Writings about logo, graphic and web design.

  • The Importance of Choosing the Right WordPress Theme

    Choosing a WordPress theme can be a lot of fun as it allows you to personalise your website or blog and make it your own. However, ultimately, it can have a significant impact upon your online project, whatever it might be.

  • Fedora Logo Design Process

    I came across in a blog post of 2005 the Fedora logo design process. I do share the same opinion as the writer of that post when he says: It’s fascinating to see the process and justification behind a logo idea like this.

  • UKlocum, my Latest WordPress Freelance Project

    One of my many WordPress freelance projects I am working on is UKlocum. This is one of the many projects I have received from my dear client from Poland, Greg. When Greg contacted me for this project explaining what he wanted to do, he asked me if this could be done with WordPress. He had…

  • Vector Graphics Editor Review: Inkscape

    Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Supported SVG features include shapes, paths, text, markers, clones, alpha blending, transforms, gradients, patterns, and grouping.

  • Web Design: Best of 2008

    In the year that we left behind, web design trends and techniques where described in the opening paragraph of a post at WebDesignerWall by Nick La one of most prominent web designers of 2008. Here is what he puts forward

  • Master: Premium GPL WordPress Theme

    As announced in the introductory post of Master WordPress theme, I am releasing my first ever free WordPress theme. I am very happy to have achieved this and I am very hopeful that 2009 will be a great year of success for my WordPress freelance experience. Below I have taken an two paragraphs from my…

  • Blog Design:

    Andrew Kelly contacted me for a kind of business blog project that he was working on. After I showed his some of my previews works and we agreed on the price, I begin designing a WordPress theme for him. He had previously chosen to use as a theme the semilogic theme framework. Well, his decision…

  • Design Prinicples

    Hi guys! I just couldn’t resist to share with you something I read at SitePoint Forums. 1) Knowledge of Photoshop or other software techniques does not make you a designer. Techniques are simply tools. A talented sculptor does not need the best tools. Having the best tools simply helps the sculptor. 2) There are no…

  • What do you think about my new design?

    During this days, being very busy on my freelance web and blog design tasks, I have dedicated some hours to my new design for my blog too. I tried to have something neat and working. What you can see now is what I managed to do. I know very well that this is not a…