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Introduction to Subversion
On my previous post I wrote about installing and configuring Git because I’m really a Git guy, but I have this client now that prefers SVN, short of Subversion version control system, so I had to learn it too. In this post I’m going to introduce you to SVN and how to get it to…
How to Install and Configure Git on Ubuntu
If you develop websites, like me, or write software of any kind, you should be using a version control system, and Git seems to lead the herd and I personally use it and I recommend it to anybody. This little tutorial is going to teach you how to set up Git on a computer running…
How to Install Fonts in Ubuntu
After a long time using Windows, I switched to Ubuntu, but I noticed that my own sites and other daily ones like Gmail and different other blogs I read where not looking as good as they were before the switch. Being a web developer I know that web sites are designed with Microsoft fonts in…