
  • Practical Python Programming

    Welcome to my Practical Python Programming post, hopefully this will be the first of many. If you have been following my ‘An Introduction to Python Programming’ posts series, then you may already know that in this post we are going to be having some fun. We are going to be creating a text based ‘Guess…

  • An Introduction to Python Programming #4

    Welcome to my forth Python Programming introduction post. In this post we are going to be looking at lists and random numbers.If you have used another programming language before, then you have probably heard of an array, well, a python list is just an array, and in the same way you can have multi dimensional…

  • An Introduction to Python Programming #3

    Welcome to my third Python programming introduction post. In post #2 we looked at the basics of flow control using conditional statements. In this post we will be taking a look at another fundamental aspect of flow control; loops. A loop is a way of running a particular block of code more than once based…

  • An Introduction to Python Programming #2

    Welcome to my second python programming post. In the first post we looked at the print statement used to print to the screen, and we also looked at basic user input via the raw_input() function. We also looked at basic variable declaration and useage. In this post we will be taking a look at some…

  • An Introduction to Python Programming #1

    Python is a high level programming language useful for, but not limited to, everyday tasks. Python is quick to pick up and easy to understand. Many of python’s statements are very English like so there is not much confusion. Lets take a look at pythons basic print statement, we are going to be writing the…